There's not really a big story behind this photograph, but I chose it for the current issue of LNF Weekly because I think it's a great shot for the season. The colors are perfect. They feel like autumn, like October.
I took this shot three years ago, and, in fact, it was in October. It was a cover photo for 78209 Magazine.
Setting this shot up was a collaborative effort.
Over the years, I've worked a lot with Henry de Leon -- he's a terrific stylist -- and Henry and I worked together on this. Together, we went shopping for vegetables. Then we found a perfect wall in my brother's apartment, here in our building on South Alamo, and I put up a painting by Omar Rodriguez. I found a rich burgundy cloth to cover the table, and Henry supplied the candelabra.
Anyhow, it took some time, but it came together beautifully, and it's one of my favorite photos. I do most of my artwork in sepia, but this shot was clearly made for color.
See more of Al's work on his website.