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Jane and I love putting together each issue of the LNF Weekly magazine. We love finding the right piece of art for the cover. We love reading the contributions from each of our voices. And we love researching and writing each of the pieces we create ourselves. This issue is no exception. We’ve got some great stuff again.


We want each issue of LNF Weekly to deliver some information that’s important to the neighborhood, and this time we’ve got a couple of articles that fit the bill.

Our SAISD board member, Sarah Sorensen, delivers important information month after month after month. For this issue, she’s written about the newly-approved school district budget. Regardless of the subject, Sarah’s pieces are always clear and easy to read.

I’ve followed up on something Sarah wrote about last month: community schools. When I read her column last month, I wanted to know more, so I did some research, I talked to some people, and I’ve written up what I found. If you care about our schools, this is something you should read. I think we’ll look at it some more in the future.


We’ve got some great voices writing for us.

Tommy Newman usually writes about music that’s unfamiliar to me, but I don’t care. Tommy is a storyteller, and I read each of his pieces for the story. I enjoy every one of them. Read his latest: The Upsetter.

Kate Hernandez has been working as an intern at Hemisfair, writing short pieces for us over the past several months. This is her last piece, and we asked her to make it personal. The result is great.

Jen Beckmann always has something interesting to tell us about wine. This time, she’s walking us through — day by day — the harvesting of grapes.

Speaking of walking, Andy Thomas of the AVA (“America’s Walking Club”), tells us about a special heritage walk that’s coming up soon.

And, on the subject of entertainment, there’s not much that I find more entertaining than food. I got really lucky early in the pandemic, when neighbor Jane Gennarelli and I decided to form a virtual bubble and make dinners together every evening. We both cook (Jane more frequently than me), and I definitely get the best part of this deal. She’s got another one of her recipes in this issue, one that I frequently request, a pork schnitzel.


We’ve got three articles this month that bring you some good, practical information.

I’ve written about the EnergyX Fitness studio in Hemisfair. They’re a terrific addition to the neighborhood, they’ve got some great programs, and they’re offering some super introductory deals right now.

Jane has written about an unbelievably good program for senior dogs and senior citizens, putting them together for the benefit of both. The program makes it easy and inexpensive (or free) for seniors to bring home and keep a dog.

And we’ve got a new voice. Shawn Campbell, president of the King William Association (KWA), explains how the KWA’s architectural advisory committee works. They’re here to help, Shawn writes.


Every month, we’ve got two pieces of art.

First, we’ve got a great piece of cover art by Vikki Fields. This painting feels like summer (well, maybe not like this summer, but like the ones we remember from milder days).

Second, Al Rendon has again pulled a photo out of his archives. This one has never before been published. When Al sent it to me, my reaction was “Wow, I love this.”

Jane has also written about the new members’ exhibit at the San Antonio Art League and Museum. It’s worth a visit.

Jim Feuerstein is co-editor of LNF Weekly; he also designs and manages the website.

It's summer break, but schools are our focus this month

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

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