Whew! That was a lot of work.
We just finished our first year of the magazine, publishing a new issue each month. It’s hard work, especially for our regular voices — Sarah Sorensen, Tommy Newman, Jen Beckmann, and Al Rendon — but also for me and Jane.
Jane and I have been putting in sixty or seventy hours every month on the magazine, researching and writing articles, working on the art and the photography and the page setup, and coordinating with our voices.
For Jane, that’s only part of the story. She also puts in fifteen or twenty hours a week on the LNF Weekly arts and entertainment newsletter.
That, of course, is all on top of our ‘real jobs’ with databases and websites.
We like doing this. And we’re delighted by the feedback we get — both the simple feedback of clicks from people who read our articles, and the direct feedback via emails, contact forms, and people who come up to us when we’re out in the neighborhood and mention something specific that they enjoyed reading. We feel like we’re doing something useful.
But we’ve got to cut back a little. It’s a workload we can’t sustain.
We’re going to change the magazine to a quarterly publication — we’ll do a Winter edition, a Spring edition, a Summer edition, and a Fall edition.
There will be NO change to Jane’s email newsletter. It will continue to go out every Wednesday, fifty weeks per year (she takes a week off at Christmas and in the middle of the summer), and it will continue to include about 150 events each week, gleaned from the 100 or so websites and Facebook pages she scans for content.
If you’re a subscriber, you’ll continue to get the newsletter every week. You’ll also hear from us whenever we publish an edition of the magazine.
And we’ll still want to hear from people who would like to contribute or who have an idea of something we should include.
Please let us know what you think. We do value your feedback, input, and ideas.
Jim Feuerstein is co-editor of LNF Weekly; he also designs and manages the website.
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