Serious Stuff
We’ve got some major pieces in this month’s issue, but the most significant one, we believe, is the one on the city’s noise ordinance task force.
With restaurants and bars being forced by the virus to move operations outdoors, there’s been growing friction between neighborhood businesses and residences over sound. The task force was set up to deal with those problems, and some of our neighbors are serving on it. We think it needs a re-set.
The virus is messing with us once again. How should we be dealing with it? Well, we’ve got an expert right here in the neighborhood, epidemiologist and public health expert Cherise Rohr-Allegrini, and we talked to her. She gave us some good information.
Our SAISD representative, Sarah Sorensen, has written about two important public meetings that are coming up, one of them on Monday, to talk about hiring a new Superintendent. The second is to get community input for a redesign and renovation of the Burnet building in Lavaca to return it to duty as a school -- as an extension of Bonham.

And on a lighter note...
But not everything in this edition is heavy-duty.
Jane Gennarelli loves winter comfort food, and she’s got a recipe for a terrific Hungarian goulash that not only tastes wonderful, but also fills the house with great aromas for hours as it cooks (I know, she tested it at my place on a recent Sunday afternoon).
And, continuing with the recipe theme, our recipe specialist, Patricia Ortiz, got the owners of new spot Bar Ludivine to share their recipe for ‘Tias Locas’, which traces its lineage back through the Tia Mia to the Mai Tai.
Jen Beckman of the Re:Rooted wine bar is back this month with an article about how to put together (and how to attend) a blind wine tasting. If you want to set one up, Jen lays out a detailed and fascinating process. It really looks like fun.
I’m kind of excited about this one: a piece by Andy Thomas is Deputy Director of the Southwest Region of The American Volkssport Association (AVA). What the heck is that? you may ask. Well, read about it. It’s pretty interesting, and the organization’s national headquarters is right here in the neighborhood. Andy will write more for us in the future.
Our monthly art
And, like always, we’ve got art.
There’s a new exhibit at the San Antonio Art League and Museum (SAALM), and SAALM president Dona Walston has a piece that let’s you know what it is. If you aren’t familiar with SAALM, read our piece about the organization in last month’s issue.
This week’s cover art comes from local artist Jorge Garza. I discovered his work when it was included in a recent SAALM exhibit, and I fell in love with it. So I tracked Jorge down and got his permission to use a piece for the cover.
And neighborhood photographer Al Rendon continues his monthly contribution. For each of our issues, Al goes into his archive and finds a piece with an interesting story. This month’s photo comes from a tradition that goes back hundreds of years.
I also want to point you to our Events page. You’re probably familiar with Jane’s email newsletter (if not, check it out and subscribe). She also picks a dozen or so upcoming events to feature here on the site. Jane checks the list daily, and updates it if appropriate. So it’s always fresh.
I hope everyone finds multiple pieces to enjoy in this issue. If you’ve got ideas for things we should write about — or if you want to write something yourself — please click the contact button and let us know.

Jim Feuerstein is co-editor of LNF Weekly; he also designs and manages the website.

Friday, December 17, 2021
This is our holiday edition, and we've got a bit of everything
The holidays have arrived, and we've got you covered. We'll tell you where to find gifts, music, art, wine, and food. How to keep your pets safe while you're celebrating. And, best of all, we even found a bit of snow for the home page.
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